Oneing: Liminal Space ~ PDF Download



In the universe, there are things that are known, and things that are unknown, and in between them, there are doors. —William Blake

In his introduction to this edition of Oneing, Richard Rohr writes:

In liminal space, we must leave business as usual—which often looks like a sleepwalking trance through daily life if we are not conscious—and voluntarily enter a world where the rules and expectations are quite different. Some call it "voluntary displacement." When we wake up in this way and find ourselves on the threshold of something new, we are shocked into realizing that our usual trance state is not the only option, and there might just be something more.

This particular edition of CAC's literary journal is one of the most comprehensive published to date. The articles and poem are powerful examples of what liminal space means for each contributor. While some share of their own threshold experiences, others explain the meaning of such experiences. I sincerely hope you will find it to be a useful guide in recognizing your own liminal or transformational moments—which can happen at any moment in life.

Vanessa Guerin

Editor, Oneing

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