Oneing: Evidence ~ PDF Download



At the end of Portrait of a Radical: The Jesus Movement, Fr. Richard Rohr says, “faith is rare . . . [which is] why Jesus himself said, ‘. . . when [he] returns, will he find any faith on the earth?’ (Lk 18:8).” Fr. Richard concludes, “I think Jesus really had doubts.”

And why wouldn’t Jesus have doubts? “Since the Enlightenment we have become more and more situated in a world of our own making, with cyberspace being the emblematic example of the moment. . . . The demand is put on faith to be effective, experiential, and relevant,” writes Mark Muldoon in “The Perils of Spiritual Faith, Doubt, and Evidence.” Much of the world is consumed with and distracted by a desire for increasing validation through technology and social media, rather than trust in what “St. Bonaventure, Teilhard de Chardin, many poets, and everyday mystics found . . . in the natural world, in elements, seasons, animals, and all living things,” as Fr. Richard writes in his introduction to this edition of Oneing.

“This is why an evidential worldview has become crucial,” emphasizes Michael Dowd in his article on evidential mysticism. “We now know that evolutionary and ecological processes are at the root of life and human culture. To disregard, to dishonor, these processes through our own determined ignorance and cultural/religious self-focus is an evil that will bring untold suffering to countless generations, of our own kind and of all our relations. We must denounce such a legacy. Ours is thus a call to action—a call to sacred activism.” 

—From the Editor’s Note by Vanessa Guerin

Featuring Kathleen Dowling Singh, Michael Dowd, Rev. Susan J. Barnes, and others.

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