Jesus as Liberator / Paul as Liberator ~ MP3
This recording combines two talks by Richard Rohr.
- Jesus as Liberator: How did it happen that the Scriptures in general, and Jesus in particular, became categorized as teachers and defenders of the status quo, when there is almost no justification for that in the text? This talk presents an overview of the history, the problem, and the way through.
- Paul as Liberator: How did the man who took on, and tried to liberate, both his own Jewish establishment and the new Christian authorities, come to be seen as a petty moralist, and even a misogynist? This talk presents an overview of the problem and a new vision of the great soul who helped form Western and Christian civilization in a major way.
Approximate length: 3 hours
Published in 2007
This is a downloadable MP3 audio file.