Introducing Richard Rohr: A Collection of Teachings for Newcomers (MP3)



This set of teachings and homilies by Richard Rohr is a perfect introduction to his fresh way of looking at Scripture, society, and life.

The newcomer to Richard's teachings will find this set a real treasure. The six titles include the following list of talks:

Part #1: Two Major Tasks of the Spiritual Life. Much personal and pastoral confusion can be overcome when we realize that in the first half of life we have to master self control, and in the second half of life we must give up control.

Part #2: The Little Way: A Spirituality of Imperfection. Richard shares the insights of St. Therese of Lisieux, which show imperfection as the organizing principle of spiritual reality. This is a great introduction to the healing ministry of addiction and recovery.

Part #3: Spiral of Violence: the World, the Flesh, and the Devil. Richard looks at the traditionally labeled sources of evil: the world, the flesh, and the devil. He offers a tool for discerning evil on all levels so that we might make appropriate responses before we are caught up in an uncontrollable spiral.

Part #4: Masculine Spirituality/Why Males Need Initiation. Two of Richard's talks about masculine spirituality:

  • Masculine Spirituality: Richard shows the need for real masculine spirituality, one that speaks to man's true core.
  • Why Males Need Initiation: Richard addresses the reality that if men are not led through an inner journey of powerlessness, they will inevitably misunderstand and abuse power.

Part #5: Francis—Turning the World on its Head: Subverting the Honor/Shame System. Richard shares insight into the life, vision, and vocation of St. Francis, as seen through the lens of Jesus’ teachings in the Gospel of Matthew.

Part #6: Collection of Homilies 2008. Richard's Gospel readings and homilies at Holy Family Parish, Albuquerque, New Mexico:

  • The Law of Attraction, Mt. 13:1-17 (July 14, 2008)
  • Weeds and Wheat, Mt. 13:24-35 (July 20, 2008)
  • The Rock that Moved, Mt. 16:13-20 (August 17, 2008)
  • The Amazing Capacity for Missing the Point in the Scriptures, Mt. 25: 14-30 (November 16, 2008)
  • To Be Awake is to Live in the Present, Mk. 13: 33-37 (November 30, 2008)
  • Christmas Eve: "God as Intruder," Lk. 2: 1-14 (December 24, 2008)

Each title above, with the exception of The Little Way (available only as an MP3 audio download), is also available singly, in both MP3 and CD formats.

Approximate length: 6 hours, 30 minutes

This is a downloadable MP3 audio file.