CAC Foundation Set ~ MP3



This compilation includes two teachings from Richard Rohr, Gospel Call for Compassionate Action (Bias from the Bottom) and Contemplative Prayer.

Gospel Call for Compassionate Action (Bias from the Bottom):
This teaching represents one half of the foundational vision of the Center for Action and Contemplation. The Biblical narrative consistently teaches us that the truth is more likely found at the edges and the bottom of society, while institutional theology has been written mainly by people at the top and the center. Richard explains how this change in perspective has distorted our hearing of the Scriptures, and our understanding of what Jesus is saying at every turn in Christian history.

Contemplative Prayer:
This is the companion CD to Gospel Call for Compassionate Action and represents the other half of the foundational vision of the Center for Action and Contemplation. One cannot really look at life and society from an ego-less position except through the lens of prayer, particularly the emptying form of prayer that we call contemplation. Richard gives an overview of both the theory and practice of what he calls the "contemplative stance" toward life.

Approximate length: 3 hours

This is a downloadable MP3 audio file.

[Contemplative Prayer is also available by itself as a MP3 audio download.]